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Need to Schedule an Appointment?

Please do not use this website or email to address clinical issues or matters requiring immediate response.

If you want to schedule a new apointment or change an existing appointment, please use the appropriate link below:
   Click here to request an appointment
   Click here to change an existing appointment

Additional Contact Information

Click here for Telephone Numbers, Extensions, Emails--by Office & Department

Regular business hours are 7:00am to 4:00pm, Monday - Friday (and appointment scheduling calls accepted 7am to 5pm Monday-Thursday and until 4pm on Fridays).

If you have an emergency situation during non-business hours, please call 911 or go directly to the Hospital E.R. You may also reach our answering service at 412-430-3320 after hours (evenings, weekends or holidays).

Contact Information:
Corporate Office: 412-369-4000