
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP)

For more than a decade, researchers have experimented with using growth factors from special blood cells called platelets to improve the healing process. This non-surgical treatment called Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) uses the patient’s own blood to help expedite healing. There have been several studies that have shown good results using these factors, derived from a patient’s own blood platelets, to speed-up recovery from muscle, tendon and ligament injuries. PRP is now widely accepted as a treatment option for many orthopaedic conditions and has gained international acceptance amongst physicians of professional, collegiate and high school athletes, as well as non-athletes.

Years ago, Tri-State Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine was selected to be one of the first practices in Pennsylvania to provide PRP treatments in the office setting. PRP is a concentration of platelets and beneficial growth factors created from a small amount of your own blood. When injected into the injured area, increased levels of growth factors aim to improve the movement of cells to the injury site to control inflammation and to optimize and accelerate healing.

Since 2009, Tri-State Orthopaedics has offered PRP injections to select patients and athletes. Though we’ve had great results, PRP may not be appropriate for all patients, injuries and orthopaedic conditions. An office exam and consultation with one of our orthopaedic physicians, specifically trained in PRP injection therapy, would be required to determine if you might benefit from this treatment.

If you are a candidate for PRP injections, the process is easy and relatively painless. First, a simple blood draw from your arm using a specifically designed PRP syringe is performed in our office. Next, the blood is placed into a filtration machine called a centrifuge, which spins to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the rest of the blood. The clear plasma contains the healing factors. This conditioned platelet-rich plasma is then carefully injected by the physician directly into the site of muscle, tendon, ligament or joint injury. Some patients may require more than one injection.

To learn more or schedule an appointment for an PRP evaluation with one of our physician specialists, please contact our Tri-State Orthopaedics office at (412) 369-4000 Ext 340 or email

Note: The office visit consultation is typically covered by insurance. However, the PRP injection treatments are not covered by insurance. While PRP treatments have been around for many years, most insurance companies do not currently cover this treatment. Therefore, pre-payment is required (cash, check or credit card) prior to receiving your first injection.

Click here to see our PRP Handout (PDF)